Initiation/Tyke Update (Mar 21, 2018), News, Mite HL #1 - Tim Hortons, Under-7, 2017/2018 (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017/2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Mar 21, 2018 | Duane Homick | 2191 views
Initiation/Tyke Update (Mar 21, 2018)
This is the final update of the 2018 season and my final update as Tyke Convenor.  (It also includes information on the end of year banquets, so please read!)

Hi everyone,
This is the final update of the 2018 season and my final update as Tyke Convenor.  (It also includes information on the end of year banquets, so please read!)
As I said in my last update, we have a tremendous group of volunteers who have helped coach, manage or otherwise assist our kids in their introduction to hockey.  Thank you to all of them for giving of their time and being great role models for the kids.  
I'd also like to thank our board for giving us the resources necessary to run our program this year (more ice time, new nets, new rink dividers) and our arena staff for showing up early in the morning to open the doors for us at our 7am practice times.  If you see any of these individuals in the next week or so, let them know how much fun this year was and thank them for their efforts.
Finally, thank you also to all the parents who showed up week after week for all the games and practices.  We had the kids on the ice for a remarkable number of hours this year and your dedication was equally necessary for these kids to have a successful introduction to this great sport.
End of Year Banquets
The Intro to Hockey program has already finished their season.  Their Final skate and team pizza party took place on March 13th.  If you didn't get a medal/swag bag, please email Chad.
To make sure all the coaches could attend the final banquet, the Mite program will host their end of year banquet on Fri, March 23rd at 6pm (upstairs in the Penetang arena).  They will not be on the ice that day, but instead will have their final skate on Sun, March 25th at 3pm.
The Tyke program will have their annual Mother vs. Kid game on Sun, March 25th at 2pm followed by a team party at Joe & Brenda's.
Elmvale Anti-Bullying Tournament
The Tyke team took part in the 2nd annual Elmvale Anti-Bullying Tournament on Sat., March 3rd.  This great event seeks to raise awareness about the effects of bullying on mental health.  I'd like to thank the many parents from our teams who donated items to the event or otherwise made contributions.  A lot of money was raised for this good cause.
After hours and hours of high speed, half-ice hockey, the Penetang Red team (Simon C, Noah H, Owen H, Cole T, Gage C, Melissa M, Jake A) came away with the tournament title.  With 6 teams in attendance - 3 from Elmvale and 3 from Penetang - we took home 1st, 2nd and 3rd!
Lincoln Tournament

The following weekend, the Tyke team took part in the 32nd Annual Lincoln Tyke Tournament.  With a great display of skill, the Tyke team won both the relay race/fastest skater (Owen H, Stuart D, Simon C) and the breakaway shooter (Noah H) in the skills competition.  
Unfortunately, after an undefeated round robin, Penetang was upset in the semi-finals by eventual champion Lincoln #2 - suffering their first loss of the season.  Many tears were shed after the game as these young kids learned to deal with the disappointment of losing, but not one turned against their teammates or acted out against their opponents. They gave it everything they had and they lost with class just like they've won with class all year long. 

Creemore Mite Jamboree

While the Tykes were playing in Lincoln, the Mites travelled to Creemore for a one-day jamboree.  Both Mite teams enjoyed a fun filled day of hockey and got to play with new teams such as Honeywood and Essa to name a few.
Exhibition Game - West Champs vs. East Champs

Following the GBTLL season, the West Champions Osprey Hawks (14-0-0) challenged the East Champions Penetang Flames (13-0-1) to an exhibition game for GBTLL supremacy.  Played on Saturday, March 17th in Osprey, the Penetang Flames knocked off the Osprey Hawks in a spirited match by a final score of 6-1 to finish their impressive season with a record of 24-1-1.
The PMHA AGM is scheduled for April 12th at 7:00pm in the room overlooking the arena.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about the association, our plans for next year, and to vote for our 2018-19 board.  
Final Ice Time Totals
  • Tyke - 85 hours (3.0h/wk)
  • Mite - 66.5 hours (2.3h/wk)
  • Intro - 27 hours (1h/wk)
[Note:Includes Family Skate, Tournaments/Jamborees & Away Games]

Questions, Comments, Concerns
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know.  
Was there something we could have done better?  Did our program fail in some respect?  Please let us know so that we can improve it.  Your voice and opinions matter.