Initiation/Tyke Mini-Update (Feb 5, 2018), News, Mite HL #1 - Tim Hortons, Under-7, 2017/2018 (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017/2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 05, 2018 | Duane Homick | 1165 views
Initiation/Tyke Mini-Update (Feb 5, 2018)
Just wanted to give a quick update about a scheduling change this weekend, a lucky Colts ticket winner, and the RIS-Parent program.

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to give a quick update about a scheduling change this weekend, a lucky Colts ticket winner, and the RIS-Parent program.
Scheduling Change
As many of you are aware from either past experience or from the email Steve (PMHA President) sent out earlier, most of the Penetang Rep & LL teams are competing in their playoffs and these games must be played within a certain amount of days (typically two weeks or less).  To facilitate these games, our ice scheduler often has to make adjustments to practice times to get them all scheduled and unfortunately, the Initiation/Tyke program is not immune from these changes. 
For this reason, the Sunday 2pm ice time this weekend that was originally scheduled as a Mite practice has been cancelled so that it can be used to host a playoff game for a team travelling from a long distance (and therefore need an early game time to facilitate safe travel).
Our ice convenor assures me that he will try to make it up to us, and based on past experience, the Initiation/Tyke program is often able to grab a few extra ice times as the playoffs progress and teams are eliminated. 
Hopefully there will not be any additional changes necessary, but if it is necessary, we will need to be flexible to support our association's needs.
Schedule this weekend
Fri, Feb 9 (5pm) - Tyke Practice
Sat, Feb 10 (7am) - Mite Practice
Sat, Feb 11 (1155am) - Intro To Hockey Practice
Colts Ticket Winners

Scotiabank donated 4 tickets to the Colts game this past Saturday vs. the Windsor Spitfires.  We put all the names of the Initiation/Tyke players in a hat and the lucky winner was:  Kohen Froud.  Congrats to the Froud family who enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Colts game!
Respect In Sport - Parent

As I mentioned in my previous email, all Intro To Hockey player families need to complete the Respect In Sport - Parent module.  This online module can be accessed at
Please complete this by Monday, February 12th to help us with rostering all the players.
Questions, Comments, Concerns
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know. 
Duane Homick
Tyke/Initiation Convenor