Initiation/Tyke Update (Dec 20, 2017), News, Mite HL #1 - Tim Hortons, Under-7, 2017/2018 (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

This Team is part of the 2017/2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Dec 20, 2017 | Duane Homick | 1165 views
Initiation/Tyke Update (Dec 20, 2017)
We are quickly approaching the holiday season and I'd like to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  

Good morning everyone,
We are quickly approaching the holiday season and I'd like to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  
IMPORTANT:  There is a link below for a mid-year survey.  You spend hours at the rink and hundreds of dollars on hockey, please take 10-15 minutes to complete this survey to ensure your son/daughter is receiving the best programming possible.
This weekend will be our last regular weekend of the year and we'll be on a bit of a hiatus until the first week of January.   There will be no ice times on Sunday Dec. 24th, Friday Dec. 29th or Sunday Dec 31st.  
Family Skate/Shinny
We are planning on running a Family Hockey Skate on Saturday Dec. 30th for all Initiation/Tyke players & families at 11:55am.  Anyone 13 & under will require full equipment and all participants must have at least skates, a helmet, gloves and a stick.  It will be up to those attending to self-organize and play some cross-ice games of shinny.  I know many families will be away but we wanted to give those that are still around a chance to have some fun.
Mid-Year Survey
As mentioned above, we have a 10-15 minute survey that we would like ALL parents to fill out before the Christmas break.  As parents, we spend countless hours at the rink and hundreds of dollars on hockey each year, so please take the time to give your very valuable feedback (positive or negative) so that we can improve our programming.  
We are sending this out halfway through the year so that we can make adjustments now.  There is nothing worse than hearing from parents at the end of the year about a bad experience.  Speak up!  If you or your child is not enjoying this season as much as they could, we want to hear about it now so that we can improve.
Follow this link to the survey:
Mite Jamboree
The Mites will be hosting a Jamboree on Jan. 13th.  We have invited teams from area including Midland, Elmvale and others to join us in a day of fun and games.   More details will be available in the new year.
Ice Time Totals [Incl. Home/Away Games] (through Christmas Break - 15 weeks)
Tyke - 41.5 hours (2.8h/wk)
Mite - 30 hours (2h/wk)
Intro - 15 hours (1h/wk)

Questions, Comments, Concerns
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please let me know. 
Duane Homick
Tyke/Initiation Convenor