New PMHA Jersey Policy, News (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 22, 2023 | Duane Homick | 2627 views
New PMHA Jersey Policy
PMHA will be updating it jersey distribution and collection policies for the coming 2023-24 season instituting an association wide jersey pickup and return date along with requiring deposits that will be returned at the end of the season.


Here are the full details:

- Players will receive their jerseys and socks on Thursday, September 21st from 5-8pm at Penetang Arena

- Numbers will be decided by coaches in advance or will be given out first come, first served for any teams that do not submit player lists prior

- A deposit of $150 cash or postdated check will be REQUIRED at the time of jersey pickup.

- The deposit will be returned to you or your check will be destroyed on a jersey return night (Date/Time TBD)

- The socks are yours to keep and do not need to be returned

- Any jersey that is not returned will be subject to a $150 fee which will be collected by withholding your jersey deposit

- Should you fail to return both your Home and Away jersey or any jersey borrowed to AP with a higher level team, then an additional $150 will be charged for each jersey and will be added to your registration fees for the following season

- For graduating or non-returning players, this amount owing will be added to your Hockey Canada account which will prevent you from registering to play, coach or referee in any Hockey Canada sanctioned association or league until the fee is paid.

Thank you for your understanding.  If you have any questions, please reach out to a PMHA board member or contact our Equipment Manager, Pauline Benkovszki.
