PMHA is looking for a new Bingo coordinator. This is a paid position and the money earned can be used to offset or entirely pay for your son or daughter's hockey fees.
Bingo Convenor Duties and Responsibilities
Be a trained volunteer - complete online training through the Ontario Charitable Gaming Association (if they are not already a trained bingo volunteer)
Attend a general meeting at Angel Gate Bingo Hall every second month and AGM once per year.
Schedule volunteers for monthly bingo sessions
Keep track of volunteer credits to submit to PMHA at the end of fiscal year (April 30th)
Complete monthly reports to be signed and submitted to the Town of Penetang every month
Be available to work bingos if you can’t fill the assignment with volunteers, or contact the charity coordinator (Brad Feir) so that the assignment can be given to another charity.
Assist PMHA executive with completing the annual permit renewal.
Receive email correspondence from the Charity Coordinator and share information with volunteers as needed.
The pay for this job is $1000 for the year.
If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected] by Monday, September 26th to register your interest.