Registration Now Open, News (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

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Jul 07, 2021 | Duane Homick | 6005 views
Registration Now Open
Good evening PMHA families,

We are excited to announce the registration for the 2021-22 season is now open.  

 A new registration website is being used this year.  As such, you will be required to create a new parent login.  Once you have created your login, please link to your child's Hockey Canada Record.  Please make sure that you DO NOT create a new player record if your child has already played in PMHA.  If you cannot find your child using the search function on the site, then please contact our registrar for assistance.  Once again, DO NOT create a new player record.  Please ask for help instead. 
As has been previously discussed, with much uncertainty around the COVID situation and its impact on our program next year, along with increases in ice time fees and the removal of all gate fees, registration fees are still a bit unknown to us at this time.  For this reason, the board has elected to charge a $200 deposit that is due at the time of registration to confirm your spot in PMHA.  As we get closer to the season, we will update everyone on the full registration fees and collect them prior to the start of the season.  If anyone wishes to withdraw from PMHA at the time that registration fees are announced, the $200 deposit would be refunded to them.  As always, we will strive to keep our registration fees as low as possible while still offering the quality of program our members have come to expect.  We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause but we did not want to guess at the registration fees for next season, nor did we want to delay our registration process as it impacts our planning for next year.
Registration opens today and will close Friday, July 23rd at midnight.