PMHA AGM Details, News (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 20, 2020 | Duane Homick | 20013 views
PMHA AGM Details
After settling into our Return to Play program, we are set to hold our Annual General Meeting. We realize this is late but we needed to be certain we could properly close the season and move into the 2020 - 2021 season. 

We are going to hold the 2019 - 2020 AGM online via Zoom. Please click on the link below and register to attend the online Zoom meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, November 4th at 7:00pm.

Registrations can only be done by clicking the link above, which will be open until Monday, November 2. 

We will accept nominations for the 2020 - 2021 Board of Directors until Monday, November 2. These are unique times with a limited hockey program. We are fortunate enough that most of the Directors have agreed to continue their Board responsibilities. We are looking to fill 3 positions (one At-Large Convenor, one Convenor for the U7 program and one Treasurer) so please reach out to another member for nomination if you are interested. Although we are looking for some consistency as we transition into a new program, all nominations will be welcomed and we will follow the policies set out in the constitution. 

If there are proposals for amendments to the constitution, they must be received in writing to [email protected] by Wednesday, October 21. All amendments need to be posted on the website two weeks prior to the AGM. 

I will also be sending a survey to those who register for the AGM where you can post any questions that you may have for the AGM.

Thank you,

Aaron Dion
President, PMHA