Coaching Clinic - D1 Trained, News (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 05, 2018 | Duane Homick | 2964 views
Coaching Clinic - D1 Trained
PMHA will be hosting a Development 1 Trained coaching clinic on September 22-23 at the Penetang arena.

In order to participate you must sign in and register through the OMHA website. Proceed to Coaching Clinic Listings and from there click on Coach - Development 1.   Providing you are currently volunteering or slated to volunteer as a coach for the upcoming season you will qualify for a full reimbursement of the $160.00 fee from the PMHA.

Note that the Coach Development 1 trained clinic is 2 days (approximately 16 hours of in class time in addition to approximately 2 hours of ice time).  As an FYI - I have attached a chart that outlines the different levels of coaching requirements and qualifications.


If you have any further questions, please contact Frank Charlebois ([email protected])
