PMHA Annual General Meeting, News (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

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Feb 06, 2018 | cpattenden | 1556 views
PMHA Annual General Meeting
Penetang Minor Hockey would like to invite all members to attend the PMHA Annual General Meeting on April 12/18 at 7:00pm (arena upstairs).

Penetang Minor Hockey would like to invite all members to attend the PMHA Annual General Meeting on April 12/18 at 7:00pm (arena upstairs). This is an opportunity to hear a summary of the PMHA season and any plans or changes planned for the 2018-2019 season. In addition, this is also an opportunity to have your say. Any amendments to the PMHA constitution will be voted on at the time of the meeting as well as PMHA Board of Director Elections.

As per 2.0 Enactment, Amendment and Revocation of Constitutional By-Laws.

2.03 Any proposed  changes shall be written and forwarded to the secretary and shall be posted at the arena two (2) weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting

Any changes to the PMHA Constitution must be submitted to [email protected] before March 29/18 (midnight). 

Any member who is interested in a Board of Director position with PMHA should plan to attend the Annual General Meeting. Should you be unable to attend it is imperative that an individual submit, in writing, a letter indicating their interest in accepting a nomination for any particular position. Such letters must be sent to [email protected] prior to April 10th/18. Other individuals may not verbally indicate any other members acceptance of a nomination. 

It is advised if you are interested in volunteering your time, to serve on the PMHA Board of Directors that you review the job descriptions, policies etc... contained in the "Library" section of the PMHA Website
