PMHA President's Letter, News (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

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Apr 21, 2016 | cpattenden | 2726 views
PMHA President's Letter

President Steve Ingram's Letter To All PMHA Members

Work for the 2016-17 season has already started and began with the Penetang Minor Hockey Association Annual General Meeting, held on April 18th/2016. I am honored to have been reelected as the president of PMHA.


Penetang Minor Hockey is a volunteer-based organization. We survive only because of the gracious donation of time and effort of our volunteers. So it is important that we ALL thank our volunteers for their continued support of PMHA.


                Thank you to all of the players and parents.

                Thank you to all of the friends and sponsors of PMHA.

                Thank you to the coaches, managers, and trainers that support our kids.


Lastly, thank you to the 2015-2016 PMHA Board members for your countless hours of work to ensure that our kids have a strong and successful local hockey experience. This year’s nominations and voting saw our board lose a few members that have put years and many hours of effort into supporting PMHA and making it a better association.  To those board members that will not be returning next season...thank you and I hope you will continue to volunteer your time in other ways.


Congratulations and thank you to those individuals that were nominated and/or elected for positions on the PMHA board. The hard work now begins. The following is a list of those individuals that will be working on your behalf in 2016/17;


                - Craig Pattenden - Vice President                                    - Stephanie Weissflog - Secretary

                - Sue Beatty - Treasurer                                                     - Casey Morrison - Tyke Convenor

                - Jennifer Skiffington - Novice Convenor                       - Frank Charlebois - Atom Convenor

                -  Open Position- PeeWee Convenor                                - Scott Smith - Bantam Convenor

                - Shawn Leis - Midget Convenor                                      - Brad Price - Juvenile Convenor

                - Steve Lefaive - At Large                                                  - Karie St.Amant - At Large

                - Tighe Ross - At Large                                                       - Kevin McConkey - At Large



The PMHA Board will be working diligently over the summer months to ensure that we are ready for the season. Please pay close attention to the website over the summer months for registration dates and information regarding tryouts for 2016/17 Representative teams.


The PMHA Executive want to hear from you. Please share your experience and ideas. I believe we are all united in our goal to make hockey with PMHA be the best experience for each and every player and family as possible.


Lastly, if you have not volunteered with PMHA, I would ask that you give some consideration to sharing your time with us. There are many opportunities to support Penetang Minor Hockey.





Steve Ingram

President - Penetang Minor Hockey