New Board Elected, News (Penetang Minor Hockey Association)

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May 02, 2019 | Duane Homick | 8152 views
New Board Elected
Thank you to everyone who volunteered on our board from the past season and welcome to our new board members for this season.

Here's the PMHA board that was elected at the AGM last night.

President - Aaron Dion
Vice President - Duane Homick
Treasurer - Stef Weissflog
Secretary - Stacy McMillan
Initiation Convenor - Kyle Graham
Novice Convenor - Jeff Hamelin
Atom Convenor - Mike de Munnik
Peewee Convenor - Jon Cundy
Bantam Convenor - Todd Ritchie
Midget Convenor - Pauline Benkovszki
Juvenile Convenor - Frank Charlebois
At Large - Cheryl Dutton
At Large - Kevin Blundell
At Large - Nandor Domonkos
